Welcome aboard!

keep-calm-and-welcome-aboard-7Back to the old times, all a man needed in a new city was a shelter and food. Recall the shepherd from Alchemist, a young boy who needed a shelter for his flock of sheep.  Imagine yourself living in such a world! It will be tough for you since state of the art dream for a 21st century vagabond includes a free internet access above all!

Have you ever been to a new city where all you needed was a few hours of stay with internet access of-course, with all  other amenities like charging station, clean toilets, air conditioning? Sounds interesting? Well you would imagine such a place will come with a high price tag. What if you are nominally charged per hour? Your eyes might have started rolling and your head nodding!

Welcome to Travool! We are happy to introduce ourselves as your one stop destination for lounge bookings. We are here to make your travel choice easier, safer, cleaner and economically better. We are working on our pilot launch and we will be tickled pink to hear any suggestions from your end! Demand what more you expect from us! (like a samosa joint..savvy?)

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